Play With Move Improve
Step 1:
Download the Move Improve Enterprise Mobile App
Download on the Apple Store
If you use an Apple mobile device (smartphone and/or iPad).
Download on Google Play
For all Android mobile devices (smartphones and/or tablets).
Step 2:
Login with the following account:
Password: BlackSheep123!
Wait for the app to download (for the first time)
The average download speed for the Move Improve mobile app is less than 60 seconds. Depending on device, internet connection, or both, this could take up to 5 minutes.
Step 3:
Select the Activity below to get started
Getting Started with MOVE Improve
NOTE: Each activity title (including videos, images and questions) must also be downloaded to your mobile device the first time it is accessed. The typical download speed for each Move Improve activity is also less than 60 seconds. Depending on device, internet connection, or both, this could take up to 5 minutes.